Worship at Plumley Methodist Church.
Services in this church are each Sunday at 11am. These are conducted by the Minister Rev. Sue Swires or by a fully accredited Preacher who is fully trained by the Methodist Church.
There are occasional services in the evening, these are usually Circuit Services when all the Methodist Churches come together for an act of Worship. Such services are often led by a special Preacher who is invited to lead this because of their expertise in an aspect of Christian life. Such worship commences at 6.30pm and when these occur they are displayed on the Notice Board at the front of the church. All information displayed on our Notice Board is updated weekly.
The Methodist act of worship consists of Bible readings, prayers, hymn singing - modern and traditional, a short message delivered by the Preacher for that service, this is very relevant to our Christian living today. We encourage a flexible and creative approach to worship.
Before worship there is a time of quiet reflection where one can listen to our wonderful organ as you prepare for a time of worship and blessing.
We use the Methodist Hymn Book, Singing the Faith, Mission Praise and Songs of Fellowship. A communion service takes place each month this is displayed on the Notice Board and may be from our Worship book or adapted by the Minister. All are welcome to receive communion.
Special events in the near future
All services on Sundays at 11am unless stated otherwise
You are very welcome to join us at any of these services
2nd Rev Sincere Makunde Covenant service
9th Stuart Crawford
16th Richard Cussons
23rd Liz Mc Grath
Please check this page for updates